Sylvie & Jay Sylvie & Jay

The 3 Best Budgeting Apps

Budgeting does not have to be hard.
Using budgeting apps to make your budget, track your expenses, and monitor your progress can help you reach your financial goals faster.


Budgeting does not have to be hard.
Using budgeting apps to make your budget, track your expenses, and monitor your progress can help you reach your financial goals faster.
As an added benefit, having your budget readily available;

  • Is great for financial planning.

  • Helps couples who are budgeting together to stay on track.

  • Is helpful for tracking expenses.

When you start to budget, we encourage you to handwrite your budget so that you can get into the habit of tracking your expenses and being intentional with creating your budget.


3 of the best budgeting apps we have used include:

  1. Mint : This personal finance application gives you the option to keep track of spending, create a budget, and work on monitoring your credit score. You can link your bank accounts and it automatically tracks your expenses. Mint allows you to track and plan your expenses in one place. The Mint app is completely free and available for both iOS and android devices.

  2. Every Dollar : Allows you to create a monthly budget and track your expenses. The free plan requires that you manually update your budget, while the paid plan allows you to connect your bank account to the app so your items on your budget are automatically updated.  An added bonus of the Every Dollar App is that it gives you recommended percentages for each of the 11 categories in your budget, there is flexibility to adjust these percentages to reflect what is most important to you. There is a free plan and a paid plan. Every Dollar App is available for both iOS and android devices and it syncs across your devices.

  3. You Need A Budget(YNAB) : Helps  you build a budget suited to your lifestyle and tracks your expenses from your bank accounts. You can also make adjustments to your budget as needed. It also allows you to set goals for each item on your budget. It breaks down your expenses into 5 categories : Immediate Obligations, True Expenses , Debt Payments, Quality of Life, and Just for Fun.  The annual plan is $83.99 but you can try it out free for 34 days. YNAB is available for both iOS and android devices.

The best part of using budgeting apps is that it is easily accessible on your phone.
When your budget is always with you, you can easily double-check your spending, thus moving you closer to achieving your financial goals.

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