Beyond Financial Reset

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Setting Your Financial Goals

Money management is mostly linked to your behavior and less of what you know.The things, people or experiences that we value affect the way we manage our money. 

Our values are shaped by our upbringing, religious beliefs , culture, family, friends, and community.Our values and belief system guide our financial choices.

Our financial plan cannot be based on emotions and value alone. This is the reason why it is important to write down your financial goals and develop a concise plan for managing our money. 

To win with money, you need to set goals, commit to your plan and be consistent.

1. Find your WHY: We were motivated by our mistakes, failures, setbacks and experiences to want a stable home for our kids. One that will not be indirectly controlled by those that we ‘work’ for. In the midst of our struggles and financial reset, we found our reason WHY. Ask yourself, what is my reason why? What kind of life do I want for myself and my family? Where do I see myself in the next 1, 3, 5, 10 , 20 years? 

2.Write down your goals and review them often. Our goals are attached to the end of our monthly budget sheet. When we do our budget, we are reminded WHY we need to stick with the program. It is very easy to loose focus in our fast paced environment. Develop a system that works for you. Maybe a post it on your mirror, or Alexa telling you each day when you wake up what you are striving what. Whatever you do, make sure that you maintain consistency.

3.Your goals should be SMART

Specific: What do I want to achieve? Be as detailed as possible. What challenges do you anticipate? When we set a goal of paying off part of Jay’s student loan of $73,000 in a year, we knew that we were going to face challenges.Some of which were not having to shop, not taking vacations, cutting back on family time and others. Acknowledging those challenges and knowing why we were giving up these things made it tolerable.

Measurable: How are you going to measure it? If your goal is too large, break it down into smaller pieces. Looking at $73,000 in a year is overwhelming. But when we broke it down to monthly goals, we knew we had to focus on raising $6,000 in a month. Focusing on the smaller monthly goals, eventually led to us accomplishing the bigger goal.

Actionable: What are you going to do (actions or steps to be taken)to achieve your goal? Is it cutting back on eating out, meal planning etc.

In the case of Jay’s student loan, some of the steps we committed to were working overtime to increase income, not eating out, meal planning, downsizing our home, budgeting, and cutting out cable. 

Realistic: Is my goal something I can achieve or am I setting myself up for failure? 

In setting our goal of paying off $73,000 in a year, we wanted to set a goal that was attainable and was also going to challenge us. Some months when we felt like we could not meet our goal, we were forced to make drastic changes. Some of which included Jay working 27 days straight in a month or the kids not having Christmas presents. This is where your reason WHY is going to keep you motivated. 

Time Bound: When do I expect to achieve my goal? This helps solidifies your plan. We wrote our deadline down to the hour of the day and minute that we wanted the student loan gone.

In planning  your financial future leave nothing to chance.When you know what and why, it would be time to put the plan in motion. Maybe you are interested in resetting your financial life like we did, or you want to move your finances to the next level. Whatever the case,we recommend you create your SMART goals.

We are giving you the template we used to develop our goals. It worked for us and helped us develop a plan to pay our debt. It is yours FREE.

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